
Conference proceedings
One page abstracts for full or short papers accepted for presentation, together with industry foresights, symposia abstracts, system presentations, learner and teacher presentations, panel and audience response sessions, abstracts for the doctoral consortium, fireside chats, world cafe events, pecha kucha and speed geeking/rapid demos will be published in an online conference proceedings prior to the conference.

Post-conference book
Selected full and short papers will be published as a post-conference book in the Springer series:” IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology”.

IFIP TC3 Journal
Selected papers will be part of an special edition of the Official Journal of the IFIP Technical Committee on Education „Education and Information Technologies“ edited by Arthur Tatnall and published by Springer, New York

Web archive
Suitable presentations will be recorded and stored in the video archive of the conference. Prerequisite is the approval of the presenters.

Publication for Austrian schools (german)
In order to create a sustainable influence on the education system of the hosting country the results of the conference will be disseminated in the a special edition of “Schule aktiv”, CDA Verlag Arbing, under the auspices of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education. This publication will be in German.