Financial Support

IFIP TC3 is keen to involve doctoral students from countries worldwide, especially from developing countries. Those coming from a developing country who would like to be involved by presenting a paper (which might be in addition to attendance and presentation at the doctoral consortium), but who do not have funds to cover travel costs, should make early contact (by the end of February 2018) to explore possible sponsorship.

Funding support will be limited. It is dependent on the doctoral student presenting a paper in the full conference, and is allocated on a first-come first-served basis. A maximum of 500€ is allocated, and this must be claimed after the conference. This amount only covers travel costs. Reimbursement must be supported by receipts for all travel items claimed.

Doctoral students who wish to explore this option are strongly advised to find out at an early stage whether a VISA is required for their travel for academic purposes, and how to apply for this in time to both travel and attend the conference. If invitation letters are required, this must be indicated when a doctoral student registers, and will only be issued after this registration is complete.

Doctoral students (from any country) who are attend the doctoral consortium will also have chance to benefit from a bursary covering the cost of the fee for the doctoral consortium and the conference. Bursaries for fees will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.