IFIP Technical Committee 3: Education
IFIP is structured in Technical committees (TC). TC3 is responsible for all aspects related to education.
Chairman: Mr. Sindre RØSVIK, NO
The work of TC3 Education in mainly done in Working Groups:
- WG 3.1: Informatics and digital technologies in School Education
- WG 3.3: Research into Educational Applications of Information Technologies
- WG 3.4: Professional and Vocational Education in ICT
- WG 3.7: Information Technology in Educational Management
At OCCE 2018 you can learn more about the value of IFIP, its work and networks. It is possible to join the working groups by contributing to their work; by presenting papers at our conferences. Send your paper to OCCE 2018!
TC3 issues the scientific journal „Education and Information Technologies“ by Springer six times a year. There is a print (ISSN: 1360-2357) and an electronic (ISSN: 1573-7608) version of the Journal availabe. For information on subscription and rates please contact Springer Customer Service – customerservice@springer.com. Selected papers of OCCE.2018 will be publishes in a special issue of the journal.
Editor-in-chief: Arthur Tatnall, AU
Learn more about TC3 and it’s offers from the TC3 website: