Types of submissions

WCCE 2017 welcomes the following types of submissions (maximum lengths for all submissions include references):

  • Full paper:      A full paper is a standard academic research paper (maximum length: 10 pages).
  • Short paper:   A short paper is an academic paper, position paper, case study, policy paper or a national perspective (maximum length: 5 pages).
  • Industry foresight:   Companies and developers outline their state-of-the-art technologies
  • Symposia:     A symposium is a collection of related papers on a central theme of the conference.
  • System presentations:    Ongoing hardware and software project developments relating to the conference theme may be presented
  • Learners and teachers presentations:    demonstrating uses, learning activities and learning outcomes
  • Panel sessions:    a panel of up to three identified speakers who will briefly present their views on a pertinent topic, leaving sufficient time for discussion.
  • Doctoral consortium:    find more information in section Doctoral Consortium
  • Fireside chats:     a moderator and at least one expert have an informal conversation about a key topic
  • World café:     this event enables a large group to engage in dialogue through smaller sub-groups who sit around tables discussing key questions
  • Pecha kucha:    short and snappy with 20 slides and no more than 20 seconds per slid
  • Speed geeking / rapid demos:    Small groups of participants visit tables at which the presenters are sat.

We also invite people to suggest alternative formats when they submit their abstract.