Doctoral Consortium at OCCE 2018
24th June 2018
Bursaries are now available – on a first-come first-served basis!
Please read on…
The Doctoral Consortium will provide an opportunity for PhD students to discuss and explore their research ideas, to practice presenting at an international conference and to receive feedback from active senior researchers in IT and ICT education.
The consortium has the following objectives:
- To offer opportunities to present at an international conference.
- To work with others and develop a supportive community of scholars and a spirit of collaborative research.
- To engage with other participants’ current research work.
- To gain feedback on one’s own research work.
- To be involved in developing guidance on future research directions.
Doctoral students currently enrolled at any stage of their doctoral studies, with a focus on IT or ICT education research, are able to participate.
Doctoral students are required to submit an extended abstract (with short literature review, methodology, results or expected results sections) for inclusion in the conference, up to 2 pages in length.
Important Dates
Deadline for submission of extended abstracts 5th March 2018
Notification of acceptance of extended abstracts 30th April 2018
Notification of bursaries 14th April 2018
The doctoral consortium will consist of an initial workshop for “Presenting at International Conferences”, with specific times allocated when each doctoral student will present their research to the convenor and chairs and to each other. The convenor and chairs are highly experienced senior researchers in IT and ICT in education covering a range of different areas of expertise and from different countries.
Slides can be used to present at your allocated time, but you should also prepare a poster, which can be displayed in the main conference venue.
There will be a specific session for doctoral students each day of the conference. Those announced to date (to be scheduled in the programme later) are:
- A poster session, so that conference delegates can see and discuss your work.
- ‘Publishing from your doctorate’. The session will be run by Dr Keith Turvey, University of Brighton, UK.
- ‘Reflecting backwards and reflecting forwards’. The session will be run by Prof Don Passey, Lancaster University, UK.
Bursaries available
Bursaries are available for doctoral students attending the doctoral consortium and the conference. A bursary will cover the cost of the fee for the doctoral consortium and the conference.
To gain a bursary, you must submit an extended abstract by the deadline (14th February 2018), your extended abstract must be accepted for presentation at the doctoral consortium on 24th June 2018, you must present your topic on that day, and prepare and present a poster during the conference. Your extended abstract will be reviewed by the convenor and chairs of the doctoral consortium.
Bursaries will be given on a ‘first-come, first-served’ basis. With a finite amount of funding available, extended abstracts will be reviewed according to the order in which they are received into the conference management system. When all funding is allocated, no further bursaries will be provided. As the bursary depends on the acceptance of your submission, your attendance and presentation of the topic and poster at the conference, the bursary will be provided as a refund, following the conference. For any doctoral students who do not show, for whatever reason, the doctoral student next in line by order of submission will be eligible for that bursary.
Funding support for doctoral students from developing countries
IFIP TC3 is keen to involve doctoral students from countries worldwide, especially from developing countries. Those coming from a developing country who would like to be involved by presenting a paper (which might be in addition to attendance and presentation at the doctoral consortium), but who do not have funds to cover travel costs, should make early contact (by the end of February 2018) to explore possible sponsorship.
Funding support will be limited. It is dependent on the doctoral student presenting a paper in the full conference, and is allocated on a first-come first-served basis. A maximum of 500€ is allocated, and this must be claimed after the conference. This amount only covers travel costs. Reimbursement must be supported by receipts for all travel items claimed.
Doctoral students who wish to explore this option are strongly advised to find out at an early stage whether a VISA is required for their travel for academic purposes, and how to apply for this in time to both travel and attend the conference. If invitation letters are required, this must be indicated when a doctoral student registers, and will only be issued after this registration is complete.
The fee for doctoral students to attend the doctoral consortium and conference can be seen on the conference website.
Submitting your extended abstract
To submit your extended abstract, please go to the conference management system at: Initially you will need to register. To do this, click on the ‘User’ tab, and select ‘Register’. When your registration is complete, to submit your extended abstract, log on, and select the ‘Presentation’ tab. Select ‘Submit new presentation’ from the drop-down menu. When you complete this form, please make sure that you select ‘DC’ from the drop-down menu for the ‘Suggested format’. If you wish to alert the convenor to the submission, please email:
Prof Dr Don Passey, Lancaster University, UK
Professor of Technology Enhanced Learning
Specialist field – uses of digital technologies to support learning; data management in education; development of online teaching and learning
Prof Dr Christine Bescherer, University of Education Ludwigsburg, Germany
Vice Rector for Research and the Support of Young Researchers
Specialist field – mathematics education; Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education
Dr Jaana Holvikivi, Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Principal Lecturer
Specialist field – engineering education, focusing on software, games, user-experience, project-based learning, and international and cross-cultural groups
Dr Keith Turvey, University of Brighton, UK
Principal Lecturer
Specialist field – technology supported professional learning; innovation in qualitative methods in education; synthesising digital pedagogy and methodology